
To be a little different, of a certain kind, a bit special and not like the rest, peculiar but loveable, odd but pleasant, strange but in an appealing way. All of this is to be what we in the north of Sweden call eljest.


In Standard Swedish, the word ”fara” is used solely when someone makes an extended trip. You can, for example, ”fara” to Australia. In the north, however, you use ”fara” for any kind of trip, whether it’s to the mountains, to the office or your next-door neighbor.


People of the North generally do not care all the much whether the grammar is one hundred percent adequate or whether the one you’re in dialogue with is slightly offended. If you don’t feel like doing something, you let them now by bluntly saying so: ”jag ids int” (I cannot be bothered).


There is an affirmative expression – or perhaps more of a sound – that is completely unique for northern Sweden. And no, there is no proper way to spell it. Tutorial: form your lips as to prepare to whistle, inhale swiftly but carefully. There you have it. Use it generously.

Nalta Småa

Nalta means little. In Vänsterbotten, there is a proverb laconically clarifying how nalta is best used: Harta borti harta jer brano, harta borti he, he jer nalta. (You may want to Google it, or better still, ask someone from Västerbotten).


What’s northern Swedish for unplugged? ”Oi” (literally meaning ”not in”, referring to the cord). That’s just how efficient they use the language. Instead of using opposite words, simply add ”un” (”o”) as often as you can. If this copy was not yet written, it would remain ”ogjord”


If it is true that there are as many stars in the sky as grains on sand on earth, then let’s hope all the velvety fine grains on the sandy beach of Örsten south of Umeå were counted too.


Vippvedel is a rare flower that grows on c alcareous mountain slopes from Härjedalen to Tone lapland. The first find is documented from Lule lappland in 1807. We have had the small, shy and rare flower portrayed as a recessed detail in a classic pilot frame.

Vippvedel Mellan

Vippvedel is a rare flower that grows on c alcareous mountain slopes from Härjedalen to Tone lapland. The first find is documented from Lule lappland in 1807. We have had the small, shy and rare flower portrayed as a recessed detail in a classic pilot frame.

Vippvedel Småa

Vippvedel is a rare flower that grows on calcareous mountain slopes from Härjedalen to Tone lapland. The first find is documented from Lule lappland in 1807. We have had the small, shy and rare flower portrayed as a recessed detail in a classic pilot frame.