
240 EUR

There are few villages as small as Tärnaby that have managed to become well-known across the globe. Less than five hundred citizens and almost two hundred World Cup skiing victories. How did it happen? Well, as with all beautiful mysteries, this too remains unsolved.

Technical specifications
  • Square | 55mm - 19mm - 145mm
  • Honey
  • Biodegradable acetate
  • Lens: Category 0
  • Unisex

Reindeer horn

The reindeer horn used in EOE-frames come from reindeers in Swedish Lapland. Each year, they lose their horns to grow new ones, thus making them come to use is both natural and fully sustainable. The horns seen in EOE frames come from reindeers

Friendly acetate

The acetate used in all EOE frames is made out of a mix of wood and cotton pulp. The process for the making of the cellulose acetate contains a treatment of two different fibers; seeds (cotton) and wood (from conifer and broadleaf deciduous trees). Both wood and cotton are renewable resources and available and easily accessible in our very close nature. What separates the EOE biodegradable acetate to the acetate that is normally used for eyewear, is foremost that it doesn’t contain any petroleum or phthalates – which are considered to be so poisonous it’s even forbidden in the production of toys and children’s products.